


Professional hospitality trainers will tell you that consistent approach is the key to achieving consistent results.

NCR Back Office technology is a profit-driving force for many of today’s successful restaurant business. You may have 10 or 10,000 store locations but if you have signed up for membership with NBO, training your restaurant staff will not be a problem. Our online courses will play a central role in how you approach and maintain back office skill development.

ncr back office e-learning

Why is NCR Back Office training so important to your restaurant business operations?

● NCR Back office training courses in NBO Support can ensure that vital back office functions, such as creating invoices, creating a configurable data report or setting up labour exports are learned and performed the same way across every restaurant location.
● It makes for much faster, efficient, and more effective implementation rollouts.
● Your restaurant management can train all of your staff to perform a given transaction set in less than 10 minutes.
● You don’t have to leave your store, or even get a live trainer, and the lessons are available 24/7 once you login at portal.
NCR Back office skill proficiency becomes an efficient, consistent and measureable process.

NBO Support e-learning systems come in two parts

● Online courses
Self-paced, video tutorials on the major functional areas of a restaurant back office operations. Lessons don’t require a live instructor, and are available upon signing up for membership at NCR site.

NCR Back Office Support System
NBO Support is the framework that enables your restaurant management to organize all the course content. It is also the portal where your staff members (e.g. store managers, area managers,etc.) register  to access the online lessons and track their progress.

Online E-Learning Works

Since we launch NBO Support for NCR Back Office online training last June 8, 2016, it helped improve our clients staff performance, and ensured that restaurant managers are better at handling their business operations. Here are a few statistics:
Over 24 stores supported.
Over 35 learners enrolled.
3 webinars completed.
40 video tutorials ranging from creating invoices to activating reports.
0 miles traveled

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